The Cheltenham & County Cycling Club was originally formed in the Autumn of 1921 as a section of the Cheltenham & County Harriers, and by the spring of 1923 we had become a club in our own rights.
Now with a membership of over 300 we pride ourselves in being a welcoming and inclusive club, providing up to 10 different rides a week (both on and off road) at a variety of paces to suit all rider abilities, from competent beginners to the serious racing cyclist.
We also promote a very popular series of club time trials through the summer months, plus an annual road race, and four cyclocross events, and open time trials. For more on time trialling, see the Time Trial section of the web site.
If it’s road riding you are interested in we’d recommend coming along on a Saturday morning ride to start with. These currently depart from the Pittville Pump Rooms, Cheltenham at 9.00 am.
We have a choice of rides from 30 to 50 miles with a range of target average speeds of 14, 16, 18 and 20 mph. These are explained a little more in our Road section of the website. All Saturday rides head to a cafe with a shorter return route.
If it’s Mountain Biking you are interested in, similarly we’d recommend coming along on a Saturday morning ride to start with. The MTB rides vary in difficulty and these are explained a little more in our MTB section of the web site. Like the road rides, the MTB rides depart just before the road ride from Pittville Pump Rooms, Cheltenham at 9.00am.
Our club calendar details all our activities, and we welcome along new members to come and try us out for a couple of rides without obligations. There is no need to ‘prebook’! Just turn up and let someone know that you are new to the group. Alternatively, for more info, just contact one of our committee members via the contact page or as appropriate
Club History
This club was first founded in 1921 as a section of the Cheltenham & County Harriers (a running club). This remained the case for approximately two years before disaffiliating from the Cheltenham & County Harriers in 1923 and the club was then independently set up offering rides on a Wednesday and Saturday.
Browse the club timeline below. You never know, a few of you may well remember some of the events and the names of some of the individuals mentioned!
The club was founded as a section of Cheltenham and County Harriers. Chairman- E.E.Bick, who won the Bath C C 50‘ in 1922 with a 2.22, with Meadows, East, Wood, Evans, White and Richards. Bick in 1912 did a 1.4.56.(unofficial competition record).
1 st Club Run. Broadway on 23.10.21.
First ”Oxford & Back, won by Bowsher.
Disaffiliated from the Cheltenham & County Harriers and became an independent club with runs on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2.30 pm. and Sundays at 9.45 am.
Open 50 promoted for first time. Became a classic known as the Blue Riband of the West.
First inter-club 25 with Oxford and Swindon. A tour in the Black Mountains indicated early rough stuff tendencies.
First Tandem 50.
Tilling won the open 50 and reigned from 1926-1932 as a “fast man”.
Club 12 run.
Breakfast run to Whitney-on-Wye (53 miles!!!). Home via Crickhowell, with tea at Monmouth. Tilling 2nd in Speedwell 100.
Freddie Meadows rode from Newport to attend a picnic run at Evesbatch where Ewart Bick toted urn and stove in his car!
Whipsnade for a social run!!!
May 12th - first mixed run.
S Nash well placed in opens and won every club trophy.
Inter-club held with Worcester.
Nash 2nd in Speedwell 100
Shubert won the Yorkshire (section of the Vegetarian CC.) 24, the Irish 24 a week later and a fortnight later completed the Anfield 12.
S Nash became the first Cheltenham rider to hold an R.R.A. record in taking the Midland R.R.A. 12
F Shubert won the Yorkshire Veg. 24 and was 3rd in the Anfield 12. S Nash won the Speedwell 100.
H Skinner won the inter-club 12 with the North Cotswold club.
F Shubert took the Northern R.R.A. 24 hour record.
F Shubert held the Midlands R.R.A. 24
S Nash 3rd in Oxford 50, 2nd in Club open 50, 1st in Speedwell 100 & 3rd in Bath C.C. 50 Annual invitation run instituted.
F Shubert won Irish R.C. 24 with record distance.
S Nash was stopped by the traffic police for doing 38 m.p.h. in a built-up area in the Oxford & Back! W Tilling founded the Club magazine.
Archie Williams became a Vice President.
Sid Nash, Percy Nash and P Grimmett won the team award in Speedway 100.
Club runs recommenced after a wartime break.
An Inter-club 25 was held with the Gloucester City CC and the Worcester St. Johns CC and repeated in 1945.
WOMEN were admitted to membership at a special general meeting, having previously been welcomed on club runs but not allowed to become members.
The first post war prize presentation and supper was held in Cheltenham.
Bob Copper broke Club 25 record. Bill Farquharson stopped to assist another rider and still did not finish last.
Open 50 run for first time since 1938. Bill Farquharson won 3rd handicap.
Norman Baxter won the Oxford & Back.
The Cotswold Cup inter-club 25 (between the Cardiff 100 miles Road Club, the Swindon Whs., the Oxford City CC and C&CCC) was restarted after a lapse for the war.
Roller racing was held at the Gaumont cinema for a week with the club organising and providing a number of riders.
Morris Little won the handicap in the Bath C.C. Long-Markers 25.
Bob Copper equalled the Club 10 record.
A series of 20 mile time trials was held, the odd distance being chosen to avoid affecting the riders’ handicaps.
A Lunch Meet was held at the Red Lion, Huntley, with the clubs involved in the Cotswold Cup interclub 25 (see 1947). This event continued until 1964.
The first post war dinner was held at the Cadena Cafe on a Tuesday evening. There was no dancing, entertainment being provided mainly by the members. The dinner followed the same format until 1955, although from 1951 to 1955 it was held on a Friday evening.
In December the Three Counties Cycling Association was formed and Bob Copper was elected the first Chairman.
80 members. The Williams family (Archie, a V.P. 1938, already mentioned) had 3 generations riding with the Club.
A series of one hour rides were held producing a winning mileage of 23.75.
In May a club cricket match was played at the Farmers‘ Arms, Apperley, between the over 40’s and the under 40‘s. The result is not recorded.
The club promoted the 3 Counties C.A. 100 mile and 12 hour time trials.
The Cotswold Cup 25 was transferred to the Sutton Benger course.
Promoted public roller-racing, this time in A.A. Williams shop, with Baxter and Savage in keen competition.
The open 50 had a full card of 100 riders for the first time since the war. After the 50, a picnic was held in a field behind the Farmers Arms at Apperley. This was organised by Mr. E Bick. Novelty sports were included and the event was held annually until 1957, being much enjoyed, especially by the children.
A skittles match was held with the Hawks Motorcycle club and repeated in 1951, ‘52 and ‘53.
F Savage (19 years old) took Oxford and back record and won every club event.
F Savage was winner of the club 25, 50 and fastest Cheltenham rider in the 3 Counties C.A. 100. He also won the Oxford & Back cup.
The club had a stand at the Hobbies Exhibition in Cheltenham Town Hall and this continued annually until 1959.
Entries for the open 50 dropped to 54 after three years of full cards. Costs were cut by duplicating start and result sheets instead of printing.
A.A. Williams had attended every dinner since 1921 (this is not Archie Williams V.P.).
There was a fight all year for first place in club time trials, between Bob Copper, F Savage and M Little.
In January a Sausage and Mash Supper was held at the Reservoir Inn to mark the departure of Len Mustoe to Uganda.
Bob Copper won the Oxford & Back and 12 hour cups.
Bob Copper and Maurice Little broke the 30 year old tandem 50 record. Bob Copper produced a personal best 100.
In July an interclub meet was held with the Speedwell Bicycle Club with Lunch at the Lodge Inn, Hollybush and tea at the Coach and Horses, Pinvin.
The Club Dinner was held at Cavendish House on a Saturday evening, still without a dance, the entertainment being provided by members as previously.
A new massed-start force in Dave Wills, Geoff Wilkes and A Graham.
Bobby Hawkes (now Prestidge) was one of the clubs few racing ladies. 1956/7/8 John Prestidge won the T.C.C.A. (Three Counties C.A.) Medium Gear 25.
The club dinner was held on a Saturday evening at the Star, Cheltenham.
Club attends Castle Combe C.T.C. cyclists’ service.
David Bick winner of B.C.T.C. Bristol heat.
Dinger Bell takes Western Counties R.R.A. 24 trike record.
John Prestidge 3rd in N.C.U. Bristol Centre 1/4 mile grass track championship.
The open 50 was won with a time inside 2 hours for the first time, the actual time being 1hr. 57min. 18 sec. by R. Chapman of the Byways CC. There were 110 entries.
Tony Halls took the 24hr. record with 414.42 in the Merseyside Whs. event.
Dave Wills won the Army B.A.R. (Best All Rounder Competition).
D Rich set up Rhayader & back record of 8hr. 10 min. 9sec.
In the Cotswold Cup 25, Cheltenham ended a 7 year run of Oxford city wins.
Gold medal to E.E.Bick for 39 years service.
Ivan Abbott won the B.C.T.C. Bristol heat.
The Cotswold Cup returned to Oxford.
The club dinner became a dinner and dance. Still held at the Star.
I Abbott again wins B.C.T.C. heat.
Nichols, Lord and Hughes become fast and Hughes wins 3 Counties C.A. B.A.R.
Many 3 Counties C.A. successes in both team and individual.
Johnny Prestidge takes 3rd place in the National 5 mile grass track championship.
B Hughes wins a National B.A.R certificate for the second year in succession, is second in the 3 Counties C.A. B.A.R. and Club Champion for the 3rd year in succession.
Bob Copper is most notable for length of current service after Mr. E Bick. He has been variously Racing Sec., Treasurer and club delegate to various bodies over the last 20 years, as well as racing from pre-war until 1956. Also toured with his family in the past and still attends the club run. Is Hon. Treasurer at present.
Club Dinner (& dance) held at Gupshill Manor.
Mike Lord set up new Oxford & Back record (3.15.56) as well as winning 10 club events out of 13 and winning many 3 Counties C.A. events.
D Gale placed 2nd in four Local road races in March and April Age 16.
Miss Heather Shubert took all the ladies solo records in this, her first year of racing. In the W.W.R.L.25 she was first and she also won 1st handicap from scratch.
3 club members J Pennell, D Gale and R Wilson took part in the first Junior 25 on F1 establishing a junior team record. The Junior team record was broken again in the October Glos City 25 3.04.50 J Pennell broke the 10 mile & 30 mile records.
The Club entered into Massed Start promotion with the 4 C‘s Road Race on July 19th., a 48 mile event for 3rd. category and junior riders. Event Secretary was John Prestidge. Course was; Start at Air Balloon, down Crickley Hill, up Birdlip Hill, Cirencester, Seven Springs, finish at Air Balloon.
M Lord won the 3 Counties C.A. 100 in 4.23.34. and takes club records at 10, 25 30 and 50 miles. Miss Sue Shubert beat her sister‘s 10 mile record but Heather improved her 25 mile record and set up new records at 100 miles and 12 hours. She also won the overall club B.A.R. and the 12 hour cup (beating the men).
Heather Shubert broke the Midland R.R.A. 12 hour record and again took the club B.A.R. and the 12 hr. cup. She improved her club records at 25 and 50 miles and regained the 10 mile record.
The club took the team award in the 4 C‘s Road Race.
A ladies‘ prize was offered in the open 50 for the first time and won by Heather Shubert in 2.22.52. Phil Griffiths, in later years to win the national B.A.R. won 3rd. handicap with an actual time of 2.8.54.
Heather again improved her 50 mile and 12 hour records and took the club 12 hour trophy but the club B.A.R. was taken by M Wake.
The first interclub 25 with the Evesham Wheelers for the Teddington Trophy was held, the result being decided on the fastest team of six riders. The Evesham Wheelers won by 7 minutes.
The two clubs jointly purchased a shed, which was erected in the grounds of the Teddington Cross Hands Inn, for use as changing accommodation for the time trials starting at Teddington Hands. Sue Shubert took the ladies 50 record from her sister Heather (with a time of 2.21.19).
G Penna took 3rd. place in the 4 C‘s Road Race.
In September the first ”car assisted• run was organised. 13 members went by car to Rhayader and the ride, led by Ron Smith, was via the Elan Valley reservoirs and the Mountain Road to Cwm Ystwyth. The return was by the very wet ”rough stuff• route to the head of the Claerwen Reservoir, although some members opted for the road route via Devil‘s Bridge and the A44.
The club promoted the West District heat of the GHS 10 (for schoolboys and girls).
The County won the Teddington trophy and the Cotswold cup interclubs.
M Wake and D Organ attacked the Rhayader and back record, finishing 1 sec. apart after 160 miles. Unfortunately they were 14 minutes off the record.
M Wake gained second place and first handicap in the Three Counties C.A. 12hr.
S. McPherson was 3rd. in the Three Counties B.A.R.
The car assisted was ride to the Towy Valley.
The first Cheltenham Town Centre Criterium was promoted on Saturday July 11th.
Stuart McPherson won the combined Three Counties C.A./Western Time Trials Association (W.T.T.A.) 12hr. with an Association and Club record of 262.01 miles. He improved the Club 50 record to 2.01.43. and the 100 record to 4.11.24 and was 28th. in the National B.A.R. Competition. He also competed in road races frequently finishing within the first 10.
T Simpson took 3rd. place in the 4 C‘s Road Race.
The Club is 50 years old. The Golden Jubilee was celebrated at the Dinner at Gupshill Manor on November 20th.
S Mcpherson again won Three Counties C.A./W.T.T.A. 12hr. improving his club record to 263 miles (this still stands in 1986).
Also improved 25 record to 56.52, and 50 to 1.57.36. He now held all the mens single bicycle records except the 24hr. He was 21st. in the B.B.A.R.
The club took the team prize in the 4 C‘s Road Race. An increasing number of club members now taking part in road races.
A professional road race, the Green Shield Cotswold Grand Prix was promoted for the club by Geoff Newcombe. This used 7 laps of a circuit based on Charlton Kings, going up Charlton Hill and Chatcombe Pitch, returning via Andoversford and the A40. Dave Mitchell, a club member at the time but riding for Falcon Tighe, was 7th.
The 4 C‘s Road Race, held in May, was moved to the same course. Two events were run concurrently, one at 3 laps for the 3/J riders and another at 5 laps for1/2/3 category riders. S. McPherson, now riding for the Farnborough CC took 4th place in the 1/2/3 event. The same course had been used in April for a professional road race.
The club took the team award in the Bristol heat of the B.C.T.C., John Cope was 3rd and gained a place in the final.
The Open 50 was moved to the Bristol Road (Previously it was on a course based on Teddington Hands).
An open 10 was promoted for the first time using the Golden Valley By-pass (won in 21.19 by D. Holliday).
Steve Cook was the best Cheltenham rider in the W.T.T.A. 12hr. with 238.23 miles in 10th place. Heather Dancey (nee Shubert) covered 220.9 miles only 3 miles less than husband Vernon (then Gloucester City CC).
The Club Dinner was held at the Queens hotel. This venue was used until 1975.
Dave Johnson won the Western Division Schoolboy Championship. He was also 17th in the final of National GHS 10 (for under 16s).
Autumn Road Races promoted in addition to the established May promotion.
S Cook improves to 245 miles in W.T.T.A. 12hr. and is 6th.
Rod Munday sung his welcome to the Evesham Whs. during his speech to welcome the guests at the annual dinner.
An invitation ride in April attracted almost 150 participants. It was organised at this time because it was felt that the large increase in the price of petrol to 55p a gallon might encourage many people to seek an alternative to their car. Unfortunately later follow up rides attracted diminishing numbers, there being only 3 on the third.
Geoff Newcombe took second place in W.T.T.A. 12hr.
Ron Smith qualified for the final of the B.C.T.C. and gained 10th place.
Dave Johnson, a junior, won most club events and did well in open events. He won the Road Race Trophy and the Junior Time Trial Championship.
The men’s senior Trophies were all won by Steve Cook.
A veterans’ team competition was included in the Teddington Trophy interclub 25, based on the best team of three vets on age standard.
The course for the Spring and Autumn road races was changed to one based on Andoversford, the circuit being, Kilkenny, Seven Springs, Perrott‘s Brook, Foss Way, Hangman‘s Stone, A40, Kilkenny. On the last lap the riders stay on the A40 at Frog Mill to finish in Andoversford.
S Cook was 10th in the National 12hr. championship promoted by the Chippenham Whs.
The Club Dinner was held at Churchdown Community Centre for the first time (ticket price £3.50).
Mr. E.E. Bick, Life president and a founder member, died in July. A cup in his memory was purchased jointly by the Montpelier Traders Association and the Club, to be held annually by the winner of the open 50.
An interclub time trial with the Bath CC was held as part of the inter-Spa sports. The course was Bath to Cheltenham. It was intended to be an annual event finishing in the host town for the sports, but didn’t last.
Steve Cook again took all the Senior trophies (except the Road Racing Trophy) and was 46th in the National B.A.R. competition.
Mr. W (Bill) Farquarson was elected President at the AGM in November.
The design of the club jersey was modified, retaining the same colours, so that the yellow became the predominant colour.
The open 50 was held on a Saturday afternoon in July to provide a rehearsal for the National Championship 50 which was to be held the following weekend on the same course. The open 50 was won by Dennis Oram, then a 2nd claim member of the County and a full member of the Ratae R.C. He thus became the first holder of the E.E. Bick memorial cup.
Steve Cook won the W.T.T.A. 12hr. with 254.6 miles. He was 2nd in the Welsh Championship 100 with 4hr. 15min. and the club took the team prize.
Paul Carlton did well in Junior road racing, including winning the clubs Autumn 3/J road race. He received the Dari Kasprowicz award which had been newly instituted by the V.C. Bristol. This is awarded to the young rider (under 21) in the Western Division, who, by his racing performances, shows particular promise and who also makes a positive contribution to club life.
New club records were instituted for girls under 18 at 10 miles and for Boys under 16 at 25 miles.
The use of the Golden Valley By-pass for time trials was banned by the RTTC District Committee as a result of pressure from the police. A new open time trial promotion, the Hilly 30 was instituted. The course was Andoversford, Stow, Stanway, Winchcombe, Andoversford. This first event was won by Dave Lloyd, Kirkby CC and ex professional, in 1.22.32. He pronounced it the hardest time trial course he had ridden.
Chris Carrington won the West Division Junior Road Race Championship.
The Town centre criteriums were revived after a gap of 3 years due to building work obstructing the course. Mr Bill Gregory was the promoter. Ian Barker won the schoolboy event and club girls Carol Carlton, Sarah Venn and Jane Rowland were 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a schoolgirls’ pursuit.
The club promoted the West District heat of the GHS 10. Club schoolboy Ian Barker qualified for the final in which he came 20th.
P. Danckwardt reduced the Oxford and back record to 3.03.14.
The post of Club Coach was created at the AGM and the Captain was renamed Runs Secretary.
Town centre criteriums again promoted. Paul Carlton was first in the 2nd category race and David Carrington won one of the two schoolboy races.
In addition to the Criteriums, the club promoted a new pair of road races in July, making a total of six for the year plus the criteriums. The new events were a Junior only and a 3rd cat. only. The club also promoted 5 open time trials including the West District GHS heat.
Pete Danckwardt won the Speedwell 100 in 4.03.44. and the Midland C.A. 100 in 4.03.33., both rides setting a new club record for the distance. He also set up new club records at 10 miles (21.52), 25 miles (54.28) and 50 miles (1.56.29). He gained 27th place in the B.B.A.R.
Phil and Bernadette Griffiths were guests of honour at the club dinner.
The first Cotswold Weekend was organised in April. This was a weekend of touring and social events. Similar events had been organised annually by the Chippenham Whs. and the Dursley R.C. for several years, each club taking turns. The club were invited to join the group to organise the event every 3 years. This 1981 event attracted 120 participants.
The club was now strong in time trialing, with P. Danckwardt, Charles Williamson, Ian Barker, Ian Davis and Dennis Oram (now a first claim member) all doing fast times, places and team awards became quite common. C. Williamson beat 2 hours for 50 miles in his first attempt at the distance in the Swindon Wheelers event. P. Danckwardt was 10th in the National Championship 50 and again won the Speedwell 100 reducing the club 100 record to 4.03.10. Later in the year he further improved his 100 time to 4.02.38 but had by then left the club to join the Severn Valley CRC to gain the advantage of sponsorship.
Three girls, Jane Crisp, Jane Rowland and Carol Carlton were racing with success. Jane Crisp took the ladies 25 and 10 records set up by Heather Shubert in 1966 and was 4th in the junior girls B.B.A.R. competition.
In spite of losing P. Danckwardt the club continued its run of success in time trials. C. Williamson lowered the club 25 record to 53.48. (on Borough!) and the 30 to 1.09.14.
Trevor Graham won the Bristol heat of the B.C.T.C. and was 2nd in the final.
Steve Cook was 2nd in the Mersey R.C. 24 hour and improved the club record to 463.30 miles. Paul Carlton and Clive Savory broke the 45 year old tandem Oxford and Back record with 3.14.19.
The second Cotswold Weekend is organised with the help of the Cheltenham CTC section.
The Town Centre Criteriums were revived after a gap of two years due to the lack of an organiser. The volunteer was Colin Albert. A team was invited from Annecy, Cheltenham‘s twin town. They competed in the criteriums and in the previous day‘s 10 on U7 (A38 near Dursley).
Jon Alexander won the West Division Schoolboys Championship at Hengrove Park, Bristol.
Chris Taudevin was 16th in the National Junior B.A.R.
A club team visited Annecy on Spring bank holiday Weekend. Jack Morley, father of young member Jason, provided the transport in the form of a large van which he had specially painted in County livery.
Chris Taudevin was outstanding in junior road races during the year, riding many Peter Buckley’ events. He won the Western Division junior Criterium championship and also received the Dari Kasprowicz award for the year (see 1978).
A. (George) Williams updated the club‘s tricycle records including the 24 hour, which he improved to 380 miles.
Lee Daniels was outstanding in short distance time trials and took the 25 cup with 56.14.
Dennis Oram won the Western area Veterans‘ B.A.R. and the club B.A.R.
At the end of the year, 3 days after presiding at the club dinner, the club president, W (Bill) Farquarson died after cycling to visit his doctor. He was 79 years old and had been a member for 61 years.
A new trophy was purchased in memory of ex-President Bill Farquarson. It will be presented annually to the winner of a ladies edition of 10 and 25 mile time trials. The first winner was Alison Wake, daughter of our long standing racing secretary, Mike.
The Cheltenham Town Centre Criteriums had to be cancelled as it proved impossible to raise enough financial support to cover the heavy expenses now imposed by the council for road closure etc. Chris Taudevin won 7 road races and was placed in 8 others as a junior, and won 2 and was placed in 3 more as a senior. The wins include the Western Division Junior Championship and the Western Division Criterium Championship. He has also represented Britain in Junior teams in Germany and Canada.
He was awarded the Widmann-Nunn Trophy which awarded annually to the rider from a West district club who has achieved the most outstanding racing performances during the year.
Lee Daniels branched out into road racing and won a 100km event at Abergavenny.
Dennis Oram again won the club B.A.R.
In response to Bob Copper‘s offer of a prize to any pair who beat the 20 year old tandem 50 record which he shared with M Little, M Sykes and D Stacey lowered the record to 1hr. 52min. 42sec. (from 2.00.38). They also set up new figures for the 10 - 20min.23sec., the 25 - 54min. 59sec. and the Oxford and Back - 3.04.47.
New mixed Tandem records were set up by brother and sister team David and Paula Jarvis; 1.00.29 for a 25 and 22.43 for a 10.
David and Paula Jarvis updated their mixed tandem records to 20.59 for the 10 and 57.37 for the 25. David also teamed with Chris Taudevin as stoker to take the men’s 10 and 25 records with 19.53 and 54.49.
A team from La Roue D‘Or Annecienne competed in the open road races held in July and also rode in the 10 on the Bristol Road on the previous Saturday afternoon. They took the team prize in the 10 and in the senior road race.
Dave Stacey won the club B.A.R. and was 2nd in the WTTA B.A.R.
Club membership rose to 123. Club dinner held at the Savoy Hotel.
Charles Williamson rejoined the club and updated the 10, 50 and 100 records with 20.58, 1.49.48 and 3.50.32 respectively. He also took 10th place in the B.B.A.R. competition. Unfortunately he could not take the club B.A.R. because his counting rides were not in the West or neighbouring districts as the club rules require. The club were very strong in time trialling with Mathew Barnes, John Stammers, Ed Morris and Steve Cook backing up Charles Williamson to win numerous team awards and also the Cotswold and Evesham interclub events. The road racing side was not so successful, but Tim Sluman achieved 6th place in the divisional championships.
Sunday club run has become a morning only ride all the year round, this was previously introduced
for the winter only but members’ preference is now for the shorter ride in the summer also. Club dinner held at the Carlton Hotel, pheasant on the menu.