CTW will be hosting round 3 of their summer cx series this coming Saturday at Deans Close School, from 2:30 pm to 6 pm for U8's to adults, so please feel free to join in the fun.
The race schedule can be found below and CTW are also looking for volunteers, so it would be deeply appreciated if you are available and have time to assist.
2:30 - 2:40 pm - U8's race for 10 minutes
2:50 - 3:05pm - U10/U12's race for 15 minutes
3:30 pm - podiums for U8/10/12's
4:00 - 4:30pm - U14/16's race for 30 minutes
5:00 - 5:30 pm - Juniors/Novice race for 30 minutes
6 pm - podiums for all remaining races
And don't forget that sweeper riders are still required for the Ride for Ryder" event on Sunday. For those not keen to actually ride then I'm sure they welcome volunteers for the following roles:-
Start/Finish (Dean Close)
Water / Feed Stations
Course Marshals
Sweep vehicles / Broom wagons
Signage Team (removing signs)
If interested to help can you contact via Leckhampton.events@sueryder.org or let me know secretary@cheltenhamandcounty.cc