It’s good to review what we do for enjoyment and how prepared we are, so that on the very rare occasions that it’s not fun it doesn’t become serious.
What happens if…?
Mechanicals happen, but generally we can still get to a place of relative safety or shelter before we stop and fix them. Consider the environment when we stop - could you move another 50m to get behind that building and out of the wind? Is there a big layby near by that would be better than a grass verge? Does the whole group need to stop or could it split so that one group stays warm?
If there’s an injury, we need to look after the casualty and make sure that we don’t create more. The paragraph above still applies but if the casualty can’t be moved then we need to create as safe an environment as possible – keeping everyone warm, directing traffic, arranging assistance. There are a growing number of First Aiders in the club, this is such a useful life skill – please take advantage of club-funded training.
To get help to come to the right place, the use of the What 3 Words app is strongly recommended - Apple - Android
More great advice, particularly concerning group safety when stopped. Thanks Gareth.
Folk ought to be aware that What 3 Words can be handy, but it's not completely reliable when it matters most and we should be aware of its risks. No means of determining location is likely to be without issue, though. If you have the means to use an app, an app giving you your location may be preferable.
Some examples of W3W risks here: