It’s good to review what we do for enjoyment and how prepared we are, so that on the very rare occasions that it’s not fun it doesn’t become serious.
How will people know…?
Do you have a pre-existing medical condition? Does anyone know?
If you have a medical condition that could affect when you’re out on a ride, please consider who needs to know and how they might find out. Make sure you take any required medication with you and it’s easily to hand On a group ride, a quiet word with the ride leader is enough, but also consider an ICE (In Case of Emergencies) card which is free to all members, or a wristband, or maybe a sticker for the bike. Another option for ICE information is to have it on your phone lock screen.
If you’re going for a ride on your own then inform someone of where you’re going and when you expect to be back. Again, technology can help – share your location with someone via Google Maps, WhatsApp, or other available apps.