Martin Cain will relinquish the role after this year’s club road race, scheduled for 23rd July, to focus time on work commitments. So, we're keen to establish if there are any willing volunteers to take this on. This could allow the chance to shadow Martin this year, if appropriate.
There are many components to organising the race with activity rising to a crescendo for the race. However, it’s a team effort and we have always had an incredible band of volunteers to help make it happen.
The role includes:
· Working with the authorities - BC, the police, local authorities, officials and expenses, etc.
· Health & Safety - organising ambulances and first aid, race vehicles, static marshals, managing accidents, race equipment, checking the course, risk assessments, etc.
· Communications - rider briefing, marshal briefings, race insurance, race communications, managing entries, sending out details, rider sign-on, prizes, complaints, race results, etc.
· Other – Race HQ, catering, parking, securing volunteers etc.
The Race Captain is not a full-time committee position, but can be. You’ll probably want to participate during the build-up to the event, to help mobilise the club.
If interested let Bill or Steve know -