Earlier in the year we highlighted the introduction of new awards to recognise significant contributions to the club in line with our strategic themes. It's now time to make your nominations, so we can finalise the three (or more) winners and make the award at the Summer Social.
To make your 3 nominations please email secretary@cheltenhamandcounty.cc , as soon as possible. Please just provide name and category. If you want to include the reason for the nomination, that would be helpful too.
The three award categories are:
Inclusivity/Spirit - Most Considerate Rider - eg Consideration of others in group, follows ride etiquette, promotes safe/welcome environment for less experienced riders....
Community - Most Contributions to community activity - eg bikeability, supporting socials, fund raising, positive activity on communication channels...
Development - Most Improved Rider - eg speed, group, technical ability, confidence, explored new disciplines, safety awareness....