During 2025 we'd like to leverage our unique cyclist's eye view of the road to crowdsource better surfaces for all users.
Each week we'll report two road defects on https://www.fixmystreet.com/
This site sends reports directly to the concerned local authority for assessment and hopefully repair.
I've kicked things off by reporting the potholes on the Cleeve Road where it starts to flatten out (https://www.fixmystreet.com/report/6946762) and the "invisible" hole on High Street, Prestbury (https://www.fixmystreet.com/report/6946865) Next week I nominate Steve Smith and Gary Potts to each report a road defect and nominate another clubmate. You don't have to wait to be nominated, if you see something that needs fixing please report it straight away to keep us all safe. (Thanks to Nigel Woodcock for the suggestion at the AGM)