With lockdown being gradually eased over the coming months we’re excited to share the C&CCC plans for the resumption of group riding.
In this plan, we reflect the Government direction on sports activity group sizes and café reopening. We’ve considered member feedback about the benefits of smaller group sizes and public perception given they may not be familiar with the detail of the Government direction. Please note that all dates are provisional and subject to Government confirmation.
Until 21 June we will continue to follow the guidelines in our revised Covid Compliant Club Rides document:
Small groups of 6-8, maximum 10
Social distancing of 1m plus mitigation (i.e. avoiding face to face)
Starts staggered by speed from 09:00 to 09:40:
09:00 – 20 mph & MTB
09:10 – 19 mph & No cafe ride
09:20 – 18 mph & Social
09:30 – 17 mph
09:40 – 16 mph
Send list of riders to Road Captain after ride for test & trace purposes
Cafe arrangements evolve over the next few weeks:
30th March– Tues evening club MTB rides recommence with no refreshments stops
3rd April – Club rides recommence with no cafe stops
17th April – Cafe rides reintroduced. Cafes limited to groups of 6 outside, so groups may need to split.
22nd May – Cafe restrictions lifted to a collective group size of up to 30 outside and 6 inside.
21st June – Cafe restrictions removed. Return to 9am start at the pump rooms and rides leaving at 2 minutes intervals.